- LGKR | Ioannis Kapodistrias, Corfu
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Name | Ioannis Kapodistrias |
City | Corfu |
Major | ✗ |
Elevation | 6 ft. |
Transition altitude | 5000 ft. |
Transition Level (Based on the QNH) | FL60 |
MSA | 8200 ft. |
Latitude | 39.6022 |
Longitude | 19.9169 |
Identifier | Course | Length | Elevation | Lat | Lon | ILS | ILS Freq | ILS FAC | GP |
16 | 165° | 7785 ft / 2373 m | 6ft | 39.6089 | 19.9103 | ✗ | - | - | 3.0 |
34 | 345° | 7785 ft / 2373 m | 5ft | 39.5921 | 19.9147 | ✗ | - | - | 3.0 |
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- Circling 16/VOR 34
- Glidepath VOR 34 3.4 degrees
- Rough runway surface, terrain & turbulence.
Kerkira airport is on the eastern side of the island of Corfu. The island is mountainous with few obstruction lights, although there are some in the airport vicinity. Entry into Albanian airspace to the NE of CFU is no longer prohibited but should be avoided.
Only non-precision approaches available, all with high MDAs. The Lctr A circling procedure has the lowest minima. Straight-in or circle-to-land minima available for RWY 34 landing. Only circle-to-land minima available for RWY 16 landing. Circling is restricted to east of the airfield only.
In marginal weather expect holding. Obtaining a diversion clearance may be time-consuming.
S to SE winds can produce significant turbulence at lower levels.
Visual identification of the runway at night may be difficult due to limited approach and runway lighting.
In the absence of radar DME ranges from KRK or GAR may be required by ATC.
At night the lights of Corfu town and the airport beacons may become visible before the runway.
CAUTION: When the runway is wet, rubber deposits or pooled water in the rutted surface may decrease braking action especially in the touchdown zones at BOTH ends of the runway. Drainage in rutted areas is poor and standing water may remain for some time after precipitation ceases. Runway surface rough.
During periods of radar operation expect vectoring for one of several similarly named straight-in VOR/DME Rwy 34 procedures
Due to the offset approach, the runway lights are difficult to identify at night.
RWY 34 is the preferred landing runway in calm wind conditions. Right-hand circuit only. Remain over the sea at all times on final approach to RWY 34.
Runway lights may be partially obscured by close-in high terrain during the circling manoeuvre.
There are hills to the left of final approach path, also Mouse Island just to the right, only 2500 ft. from the threshold. Note other obstructions to the left and right approaching the runway threshold.
RWY 16 is left-hand circuit only. Do not extend the downwind leg due to high terrain to the north. There are few visual cues available until turning onto base leg. Exercise caution on final approach due to obstructions between 1 nm and touchdown. Significantly displaced threshold restricts landing distance available.
RWY 16 is the preferred runway for take-off in calm wind conditions. Rough and undulating runway surface may cause pitching during the take-off run.
Source: http://pilotsbriefingroom.com/
Weather & NOTAMs
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Exit Point | Runway | Departure | Initial Alt/FL | Release FL |
IDIMI | 16 | IDIMI 1B | FL80 | - |
IDIMI | 35 | IDIMI 1F | FL80 | - |
LATAN | 16 | LATAN 2B | FL80 | - |
LATAN | 34 | LATAN 2F | FL80 | - |
MALED | 34 | MALED 1F | FL80 | FL110 |
MALED | 16 | MALED 1K | FL80 | FL110 |
NIKRO | 16 | NIKRO 1C | FL80 | FL120 |
NIKRO | 16 | NIKRO 2B | FL80 | FL120 |
NIKRO | 16 | NIKRO 2D | FL80 | FL120 |
NIKRO | 16 | NIKRO 2F | FL80 | FL120 |
OLGAT | 16 | OLGAT 2B | FL80 | - |
OLGAT | 34 | OLGAT 2F | FL80 | - |
OLGAT | 17 | OLGAT 2N | FL80 | - |
PARAX | 16 | PARAX 1B | FL80 | - |
PARAX | 34 | PARAX 1F | FL80 | - |
PARAX | 34 | PARAX 1G | FL80 | - |
PARAX | 34 | PARAX 1V | FL80 | - |
PARNA | 16 | PARNA 1B | FL80 | FL110 |
PARNA | 34 | PARNA 1F | FL80 | FL110 |
RIPID | 16 | RIPID 1B | FL80 | - |
RIPID | 34 | RIPID 1F | FL80 | - |
TIGRA | 16 | TIGRA 2B | FL80 | - |
TIGRA | 34 | TIGRA 2F | FL80 | - |
TIGRA | 16 | TIGRA 2N | FL80 | - |
VARDI | 16 | VARDI 1B | FL80 | - |
VARDI | 34 | VARDI 1F | FL80 | - |
Entry Point | Runway | Arrival | Entry FL |
BETAK | 34 | BETAK 1U | - |
IDIMI | 34 | IDIMI 1J | - |
IDIMI | 17/34 | IDIMI 1P | - |
LATAN | 34 | LATAN 2J | - |
LATAN | 16/34 | LATAN 2P | - |
LATAN | 34 | LATAN 2S | - |
MALED | 34 | MALED 1U | FL120 |
NOSTO | 34 | NOSTO 1J | - |
NOSTO | 34 | NOSTO 1R | - |
NOSTO | 34 | NOSTO 1S | - |
NOSTOS | 16/34 | NOSTOS 1P | - |
PARAX | 34 | PARAX 1A | - |
PARAX | 34 | PARAX 1J | - |
PARAX | 16/34 | PARAX 1P | - |
PARAX | 34 | PARAX 1T | - |
PARAX | 34 | PARAX 1U | - |
PARNA | 16/34 | PARNA 1P | - |
PARNA | 34 | PARNA 1U | FL120 |
PITAS | 34 | PITAS 2J | FL110 |
PITAS | 16/34 | PITAS 2P | - |
PITAS | 34 | PITAS 2S | - |
RIPID | 34 | RIPID 1U | - |
TIGRA | 34 | TIGRA 2J | - |
TIGRA | 16/34 | TIGRA 2P | - |
TIGRA | 34 | TIGRA 2R | - |
TIGRA | 34 | TIGRA 2S | - |
VARDI | 34 | VARDI 1U | - |