- LGMT | Odysseas Elitis, Mytilene
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Name | Odysseas Elitis |
City | Mytilene |
Major | ✗ |
Elevation | 60 ft. |
Transition altitude | 6000 ft. |
Transition Level (Based on the QNH) | FL70 |
MSA | 4500 ft. |
Latitude | 39.057778 |
Longitude | 26.598611 |
Identifier | Course | Length | Elevation | Lat | Lon | ILS | ILS Freq | ILS FAC | GP |
14 | 148° | 7894 ft / 2407 m | 58ft | 39.0664 | 26.5917 | ✗ | - | - | 3.0 |
32 | 328° | 7894 ft / 2407 m | 21ft | 39.0528 | 26.6026 | ✗ | - | - | 3.0 |
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Exit Point | Runway | Departure | Initial Alt/FL | Release FL |
ATSOV | 14 | ATSOV 1B | FL80 | - |
ATSOV | 32 | ATSOV 1C | FL80 | - |
BIFOK | 14 | BIFOK 1B | FL80 | - |
BIFOK | 32 | BIFOK 1C | FL80 | - |
ERESO | 14 | ERESO 1B | FL80 | - |
ERESO | 32 | ERESO 1C | FL80 | - |
Entry Point | Runway | Arrival | Entry FL |
ATSOV | 14 | ATSOV 1A | FL90 |
BIFOK | 14 | BIFOK 1A | FL90 |
BIFOK | 32 | BIFOK-RNP | FL90 |
ERESO | 14 | ERESO 1A | FL90 |
LSV | 14 | LSV-RNP | FL90 |
VFR Briefing
1. Access to Mitilini TMA is restricted only to aircraft capable of maintaining two-way radio communication with the appropriate ATS unit.
2. Aircraft (including Helicopters) flying VFR within Mitilini TMA, should follow the VFR Routes and Altitudes as depicted in this chart unless VFR criteria require otherwise or a special authorisation is obtained from the appropriate ATC unit.
3. When necessary to deviate from the specified VFR Routes or Altitudes a clearance should be obtained from Mitilini Approach (freq. 123.850 MHz) before entering Mitilini TMA or immediately after departure.To meet special traffic requirements the appropriate ATS unit may assign different VFR routes and altitudes.
4. A continuous watch must be maintained on the appropriate frequency with Mitilini Approach (freq. 123.850 MHz) or Mitilini Tower (freq. 123.850 MHz) when flying the VFR Routes and Altitudes depicted on this chart.
5. To meet special traffic requirements the appropriate ATS unit may assign different VFR routes.
6. Cancellation of IFR flight plan within Mitilini TMA is subject to ATC approval and after such a cancellation the VFR routes and altitudes should again be followed.
7. It is reminded that on VFR routes the responsibility to maintain terrain clearance and to avoid collision with other aircraft and restricted airspace rests with the pilot.
8. All aircraft entering Mitilini TMA should establish contact with Mitilini Approach (freq. 123.850 MHz), report over all compulsory reporting points flying the VFR Routes depicted in this chart.
9. Aircraft flying VFR within Mitilini TMA shall be equipped by a functioning transponder with mode A and C capabilities.
10. Unless otherwise instructed by the appropriate ATS unit, the VFR aircraft shall squawk A 7000.
11. Access to Mitilini CTR is restricted to aircraft capable of maintaining two-way radio communication with Mitilini Tower (freq. 123.850 MHz).
12. To assist Mitilini Airport to arrange a landing sequence of VFR arriving aircraft and facilitate the aerodrome traffic, two visual holding patterns are established west and north of Mitilini Airport. Holding on the above patterns should be carried out as described on this VFR Routes and Altitudes Chart.